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Editor’s note: Thanks to Software Engineer, Kevin Chiang, for this week’s post.

Any time you sign up for a service, you start receiving emails from them; it’s basically a law. If your inbox looks like mine, it’s bombarded with marketing emails, weekly digests, or notifications like “You’re nearing your spending limit in GCP” (some of these might be more important than others). Email works well as the first place to send notifications since people usually sign up with their email. But with everything going to your inbox nowadays, it’s easy to miss that onboarding reminder for Sarah, who starts next Monday and still needs her Github and Zoom accounts provisioned.

So what is the solution? These days, every workplace has an all-instant messaging/chat service. That’s usually where people are most responsive. So why not receive your notifications there as well?

Let me introduce you to YeshBot – our Slack notification service.

Combined with the rest of the YeshID platform, it removes the need for you to go through your checklist and manually slack/nag task owners to finish their work. But instead, with a click of a button, all folks who are involved with onboarding or offboarding are notified of the work that needs to get done!

Connect YeshBot to your account

Connecting the bot is easy! Simply log in to your YeshID admin account and find the “Add to Slack” button under Settings > YeshID Slack Bot

Click the button to complete the OAuth flow and you are ready to go.  For details on how to do this see our docs.

Once the bot has connected successfully you’ll get a notification 

Currently, the YeshBot is set up to send messages for the YeshList feature that we wrote about in a previous post. So when you onboard a user through YeshID, for example, you will receive a notification:

YeshBot will send two types of notifications:

  1. General notifications (onboarding/offboarding tasklist created or automated tasks failed)
  2. Reminders to specific users when they have tasks to do.

General notifications are sent to all YeshID admins. You might want to have other team members stay in the loop for certain playbooks–for example (e.g. IT, HR, Finance for onboarding and offboarding). You can configure YeshID to send certain notifications to other channels.

How? Read on.

Set up notification channels in YeshID (optional)

To set up notifications to a channel, we need to add the YeshBot to the channel and then configure it in YeshID

  1. Type in @YeshID in your desired notification channels.
  2. Click “Add to Channel”

  3. Set your notification channel in YeshID

YeshBot is now set up to send to your channel

A few tidbits to keep in mind when configuring the notification channels:

  • YeshBot may be added to any slack channel, but will not send any notifications unless configured to do so in the YeshID console. 
  • YeshBot will broadcast the same notifications to every configured channel
  • Onboarding/offboarding information can be sensitive, so YeshBot can also be added to private channels to limit who sees the messages (Note: any user assigned a task will still be notified directly).

Deleting the integration

Under the same section (Settings > YeshID Slack Bot), clicking on disconnect will remove the Bot from your Slack environment.


Integrating YeshBot with your Slack workspace lets you ditch the email overload and streamline your onboarding and offboarding processes. YeshBot delivers crucial notifications directly to your team, ensuring everyone stays informed, and tasks get completed on time.

Sign up for a free YeshID trial today and see how easy access management can be.